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Innovation / Entrepreneurship

Both Sides: Renewable Energy
Both Sides: Renewable Energy

The more we hear about climate change, the more demand for cleaner, greener energy grows. But are wind turbines and solar panels the answers we're looking for? Are they reliable enough? Are they affordable enough?THE FUTURE OF CLEAN ENERGYWIND AND SOLAR MAKE OUR GRID...

Both Sides: $20 Minimum Wage
Both Sides: $20 Minimum Wage

California raised its minimum wage to $20 per hour for fast food workers, and other states and cities are considering doing the same. But is that a good idea? Does it really help workers, or does it lead to fewer job opportunities? And how does it impact prices? We...

Both Sides: Billionaires Revisited
Both Sides: Billionaires Revisited

In this follow-up to Both Sides: Billionaires, we take another look at the topic. Should billionaires exist? Are the super wealthy exploiting the rest of us, or do we all benefit from their success? And what role does the government play in all of this?SHOULD...

Electric Cars: Inconvenient Facts, Part 2
Electric Cars: Inconvenient Facts, Part 2

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONDo you think every car should be electric? In this video (and Part 1), John shares some inconvenient facts that might change your mind.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF...

Electric Cars: Inconvenient Facts, Part 1
Electric Cars: Inconvenient Facts, Part 1

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONShould all cars go electric? Some politicians and activists think so, but John thinks they're guilty of magical thinking.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE...

Both Sides: Degrowth
Both Sides: Degrowth

In an attempt to solve the issues of climate change and income inequality, some activists are arguing for "degrowth." But others argue that economic growth actually helps us solve these issues, and that degrowth could lead to disaster. So what is degrowth? What future...

Both Sides: Artificial Intelligence vs. Jobs
Both Sides: Artificial Intelligence vs. Jobs

Is artificial intelligence going to destroy the job market? What will happen to workers who are replaced by AI? Will innovation create new, better jobs to replace the old ones? Can we look to past innovations to predict AI's impact, or will AI's impact be unique? Here...

Both Sides: Self-Driving Cars
Both Sides: Self-Driving Cars

Driverless cars are already on the road, but are they really the future of transportation? Proponents say self-driving cars will reduce accidents and pollution, but others say that they're too dangerous. What are the benefits of cars driven by artificial intelligence?...

The Nuclear Option
The Nuclear Option

VIDEO DESCRIPTION"Climate change is the existential threat!" warns Bernie Sanders and others. But if he really believed that, he should support nuclear -- the only technology that has a track record of rapidly replacing fossil fuels.AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login...

Both Sides: Artificial Intelligence
Both Sides: Artificial Intelligence

What is the future of artificial intelligence? Will it take our jobs, or help us do our jobs more easily? Should AI be regulated by the government? In this edition of Both Sides of the Issue, you can hear two perspectives on this topic.IF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TAKES...

Both Sides: How to Solve the Housing Crisis
Both Sides: How to Solve the Housing Crisis

Housing prices have risen rapidly, leading to a crisis in which people are struggling to find and afford homes. How do we solve the housing crisis? Should the government provide housing for people? Should we remove regulations so that private companies can build...

Climate Change
Climate Change

Explore the complex landscape of climate issues in this comprehensive module, covering topics such as fracking, the Green New Deal, and electric vehicles. Gain a deep understanding of the intended and unintended environmental, economic, and social implications,...

Both Sides: Electric Cars
Both Sides: Electric Cars


Economic Policies
Economic Policies

SITC’s “Economic Policies” module is designed to help students learn about the real-life applications of various economic policies, such as tariffs, student loan forgiveness, and corporate subsidies. With this module, students can watch free videos and educators can...


SITC’s “Privacy” module is a comprehensive resource for teachers to educate their students about privacy in the age of big tech. Your students will gain a greater understanding of how people's personal information can be collected and shared without their knowledge....

Economic Systems
Economic Systems

Are you looking for a comprehensive resource to teach your students about economic systems? Look no further than our “Economic Systems” module! This free educational resource provides a detailed look into the principles and the effects of capitalism and socialism with...

Unfair Laws
Unfair Laws

SITC’s “Unfair Laws” module is a powerful resource to teach your students about unfair laws. This module covers key concepts such as the 5th Amendment meaning of eminent domain and how it has been applied, the application of the 8th Amendment protection from excessive...

American Optimist
American Optimist

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONDon't let the bad news get you down -- there's LOTS of good news that media mostly ignore. Amazing innovations like technology that lets a monkey play computer games using only...

Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Entrepreneurship

SITC’s “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” module is an ideal teaching resource for educators looking to introduce their students to the effect of government regulation in entrepreneurship and innovation. Students will gain insight into what entrepreneurship entails,...

Capitalism Myths – Part 1
Capitalism Myths – Part 1

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONEverywhere people trash capitalism. But according to John, that’s mostly because they don’t understand it.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or...

Roundabouts vs Traffic Lights
Roundabouts vs Traffic Lights

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONHate it when you’re the only car stopped at a light? Roundabouts are a solution to that, and more.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register...

The “Socially Responsible” Scam
The “Socially Responsible” Scam

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONPopular “socially responsible” investment funds advertise: “Make money AND help the world!” But they often do neither. Their funds are usually higher priced marketing...

Everything On Demand
Everything On Demand

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCompetition makes entertainment better and cheaper.AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional ResourcesAVAILABLE...

SpaceX Does What Government Won’t
SpaceX Does What Government Won’t

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONOn August 2nd, two American astronauts return to Earth. Their launch was the first from the US in 10 years. It wasn’t NASA that sent them into space. It was Elon Musk‘s SpaceX...

Lessons from Africa
Lessons from Africa

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhy is Africa poor? Magatte Wade has some answers.AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional ResourcesAVAILABLE RESOURCES...

Both Sides: Billionaires
Both Sides: Billionaires


Minimum Wage Hurts Beginners
Minimum Wage Hurts Beginners

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONHow Seattle’s $15 minimum wage killed entry-level jobs.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF Online Quizzes AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional...

In Defense Of Capitalism
In Defense Of Capitalism

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONProgressives attack capitalism because it lets some become very rich while others stay poor. But Yaron Brook, chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute says the opposite is...

Basic Income: Pros and Cons
Basic Income: Pros and Cons

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONOren Cass explains the pros and cons of adopting a universal basic income in this episode of The Federalist Society’s POLICYbrief.AVAILABLE RESOURCESAVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to...

Money, Money, Money
Money, Money, Money

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhat makes money trustworthy?AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional ResourcesAVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF...

Inequality Myths
Inequality Myths

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONPoliticians and reporters often rail about “the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.” John Stossel explains it’s not true.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE...

Enough Crony Capitalism
Enough Crony Capitalism

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONEstablished businesses, like Facebook, use government to limit competition.AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional Resources[RM_Form...

What Do Entrepreneurs Actually Do?
What Do Entrepreneurs Actually Do?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONDiscuss the risks and benefits of entrepreneurship with this episode of Common Sense Soapbox.AVAILABLE RESOURCESAVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These...