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Junk Science Locks Up Innocent People
Junk Science Locks Up Innocent People

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWe learn from CSI, Law & Order, and NCIS that forensic science is infallible, leading to the conviction of people who might otherwise have gotten away with their crimes. But DNA...

Price Gouging
Price Gouging

VIDEO DESCRIPTION John Stossel discusses price gouging.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional Resources[RM_Form...


VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhat would you do to save your child’s life? Where do you draw the line? Would you break the law? What if the law wasn’t protecting anyone? Everything is a thought-provoking film that shows the dilemma faced by a mother who comes up against federal...

Is the Health Care Law a Job Killer?
Is the Health Care Law a Job Killer?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONScott Womack, the owner of 12 IHOP restaurants, on why the health-care law will take away his profits and prevent growth and hiring.