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Lessons from Africa
Lessons from Africa

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhy is Africa poor? Magatte Wade has some answers.AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional ResourcesAVAILABLE RESOURCES...

Save Lives, Sell Organs
Save Lives, Sell Organs

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAllowing organ sales would save lives, but critics say it would hurt the poor.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These...

Both Sides: Billionaires
Both Sides: Billionaires


Minimum Wage Hurts Beginners
Minimum Wage Hurts Beginners

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONHow Seattle’s $15 minimum wage killed entry-level jobs.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF Online Quizzes AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional...

In Defense Of Capitalism
In Defense Of Capitalism

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONProgressives attack capitalism because it lets some become very rich while others stay poor. But Yaron Brook, chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute says the opposite is...

Basic Income: Pros and Cons
Basic Income: Pros and Cons

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONOren Cass explains the pros and cons of adopting a universal basic income in this episode of The Federalist Society’s POLICYbrief.AVAILABLE RESOURCESAVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to...

Money, Money, Money
Money, Money, Money

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhat makes money trustworthy?AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional ResourcesAVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF...

Inequality Myths
Inequality Myths

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONPoliticians and reporters often rail about “the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.” John Stossel explains it’s not true.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE...

The Fundamentals of Economics
The Fundamentals of Economics

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONEconomics is the study of human behavior. Kevin Lieber (VSauce2) and his friends Fiona & Professor Fergberg outline some of the fundamentals.AVAILABLE RESOURCESAVAILABLE...

Enough Crony Capitalism
Enough Crony Capitalism

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONEstablished businesses, like Facebook, use government to limit competition.AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional Resources[RM_Form...

Venezuela IS Socialism
Venezuela IS Socialism

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONIn Florida, reporter Gloria Álvarez talked to Venezuelan immigrants, and most of them told her socialism doesn’t work. Stossel warns that if we don’t realize that socialism is...

Tax Myths
Tax Myths

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONRep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says, "people are going to have to start paying their fair share in taxes." John Stossel interviews Phil Magness, of the American Institute for Economic Research, who says that progressives miss an important fact.Download...

What Do Entrepreneurs Actually Do?
What Do Entrepreneurs Actually Do?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONDiscuss the risks and benefits of entrepreneurship with this episode of Common Sense Soapbox.AVAILABLE RESOURCESAVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These...

Sugar’s Sweetheart Deal
Sugar’s Sweetheart Deal

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONThe U.S. sugar program is “Stalin-style price controls,” Ross Marchand of the Taxpayers Protection Alliance tells John Stossel.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE...

Super Bowl of Welfare
Super Bowl of Welfare

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONSports stadiums get billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional...

Enemies of Capitalism: Capitalists
Enemies of Capitalism: Capitalists

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAmazon often tries to get favors from government.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDFAVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional...

War on Electric Scooters
War on Electric Scooters

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONYou may have seen electric scooters in your city. John Stossel wonders if this is the next revolution in urban travel. But what about safety?AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF...

How Big is the U.S. Debt?
How Big is the U.S. Debt?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONMany people have debt, and the U.S. government is no different. But people in debt frequently worry about paying it off and hope to live debt-free.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable...

Free-Market Social Security
Free-Market Social Security

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONToday is the 83rd anniversary of Social Security, and this year it went into the red. In the long run, it has a $32 trillion-dollar shortfall.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable...

The End of Tipping
The End of Tipping

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCelebrities, union activists, and politicians demand that the government raise the minimum wage for restaurant workers.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick...

Plastic Straw Myths
Plastic Straw Myths

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONHave you used a plastic straw lately? Did you feel guilty? Celebrities and activists hope so! They want us all to stop sucking.AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to...

The College Scam
The College Scam

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONA new book makes "The Case Against Education." Who would argue against education? Economics professor Bryan Caplan tells John Stossel that “what we need to do is to go back to a...

Will Tariffs Hurt Americans?
Will Tariffs Hurt Americans?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONHow will the Trump administration’s steel tariffs impact America?AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional Resources[RM_Form...

How Free Are You?
How Free Are You?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAre you living in the freest country in the world? Not if you live in the United States.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access...

The Evil Rich?
The Evil Rich?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONBernie Sanders and others on the left want higher taxes on “millionaires and billionaires.” Would that be a good idea?AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick...

Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONHappy Thanksgiving! But before you eat that turkey, thank private property! Without it, Thanksgiving would be “Starvation Day.” Here’s why.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF...

Price Gouging
Price Gouging

VIDEO DESCRIPTION John Stossel discusses price gouging.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional Resources[RM_Form...

Hurricane Reconstruction
Hurricane Reconstruction

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONThe recent hurricanes took a heavy toll. The cost of rebuilding will be significant.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDFAVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access...