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Both Sides of the Issue

Both Sides: Is the National Debt a Problem?
Both Sides: Is the National Debt a Problem?

The national debt continues to grow, but should we be worried? Do we need to cut government spending, or is the growing debt actually sustainable? What is "Modern Monetary Theory" and how does it apply? And what are the consequences of so much government spending?WHY...

Both Sides: Renewable Energy
Both Sides: Renewable Energy

The more we hear about climate change, the more demand for cleaner, greener energy grows. But are wind turbines and solar panels the answers we're looking for? Are they reliable enough? Are they affordable enough?THE FUTURE OF CLEAN ENERGYWIND AND SOLAR MAKE OUR GRID...

Both Sides: Are We Killing the Bees?
Both Sides: Are We Killing the Bees?

Bees play a very important role in our ecosystem, but are they in danger? Is the bee population in decline, and if so, are humans responsible? What should we do about it? We hear two points of view in this edition of Both Sides of the Issue.THE DEATH OF BEES...

Both Sides: $20 Minimum Wage
Both Sides: $20 Minimum Wage

California raised its minimum wage to $20 per hour for fast food workers, and other states and cities are considering doing the same. But is that a good idea? Does it really help workers, or does it lead to fewer job opportunities? And how does it impact prices? We...

Both Sides: Billionaires Revisited
Both Sides: Billionaires Revisited

In this follow-up to Both Sides: Billionaires, we take another look at the topic. Should billionaires exist? Are the super wealthy exploiting the rest of us, or do we all benefit from their success? And what role does the government play in all of this?SHOULD...

Both Sides: Globalization
Both Sides: Globalization

Globalization has led to unprecedented levels of trade between nations around the world. But who are the winners and losers of globalization? Is it good for the U.S., or has our reliance on other countries killed American manufacturing? Does globalization help lift...

Both Sides: Degrowth
Both Sides: Degrowth

In an attempt to solve the issues of climate change and income inequality, some activists are arguing for "degrowth." But others argue that economic growth actually helps us solve these issues, and that degrowth could lead to disaster. So what is degrowth? What future...

Both Sides: Artificial Intelligence vs. Jobs
Both Sides: Artificial Intelligence vs. Jobs

Is artificial intelligence going to destroy the job market? What will happen to workers who are replaced by AI? Will innovation create new, better jobs to replace the old ones? Can we look to past innovations to predict AI's impact, or will AI's impact be unique? Here...

Both Sides: Monopolies Revisited
Both Sides: Monopolies Revisited

In this follow-up to Both Sides: Monopolies, we take another look at how businesses can become monopolies, and what should be done about it. Do we need more enforcement of antitrust laws? Does the federal government need to intervene in order to protect consumers from...

Both Sides: Are Tipped Workers Being Exploited?
Both Sides: Are Tipped Workers Being Exploited?

Is it fair to pay employees who receive tips a lower wage than other workers? What would be the impact if we raised the subminimum wage? Would restaurants struggle, or would they actually benefit? Would tipped workers be better off, or would they lose their jobs?THINK...

Both Sides: Free Speech
Both Sides: Free Speech

Should there be limits on the freedom of speech? Is online speech different from offline speech? Do we need censorship on social media? What is the value of the freedom of expression? Does free speech leads us to truth, or is it too easily weaponized to spread...

Both Sides: Foreign Policy
Both Sides: Foreign Policy

How should America approach foreign policy? Is the United States obligated to maintain a military presence around the world? Is war necessary to maintain peace, or are there better options? PolicyEd and Learn Liberty provide us with two opposing perspectives on the...

Both Sides: Self-Driving Cars
Both Sides: Self-Driving Cars

Driverless cars are already on the road, but are they really the future of transportation? Proponents say self-driving cars will reduce accidents and pollution, but others say that they're too dangerous. What are the benefits of cars driven by artificial intelligence?...

Both Sides: Banning TikTok Revisited
Both Sides: Banning TikTok Revisited

In this follow-up to Both Sides: Banning TikTok, we take another look at the controversial social media app. Politicians continue to discuss a nationwide ban, fearing that the Chinese government can use TikTok to spread misinformation and invade our privacy. But is it...

Both Sides: Can Capitalism Save the Environment?
Both Sides: Can Capitalism Save the Environment?

In this follow-up to Both Sides: Can Socialism Save the Environment?, we take a look at the topic from a different perspective. Is capitalism killing the planet, or could it save the planet? Is economic growth the answer, or do we need degrowth? And what can we learn...

Both Sides: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Both Sides: Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?

Is the economic system of capitalism inherently exploitative? Do employers exploit their employees to make a profit? Or does competition lead to mutually beneficial outcomes for all parties? Professor Richard Wolff and Matt Zwolinski, PhD share their opposing points...

Both Sides: Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Both Sides: Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act was passed in the United States in an attempt to help pregnant employees. But does it really help them? Will there be unintended consequences of the law? What will be the ramifications for employees and employers?NEW LAW PROTECTING...

Both Sides: Free Trade vs. Protectionism
Both Sides: Free Trade vs. Protectionism

Is free trade good for the economy, or should countries be self-sufficient? Is the United States too reliant on other countries when it comes to manufacturing and agriculture? Your students can hear two sides of this argument in the videos below.PROTECTIONISM: THE...

Both Sides: Term Limits
Both Sides: Term Limits

Should senators and members of congress be subject to term limits? Would it reduce the number of career politicians? Would that be a good thing, or do we need experienced politicians who devote their careers to government? How would it affect partisanship?TERM LIMITS:...

Both Sides: Artificial Intelligence
Both Sides: Artificial Intelligence

What is the future of artificial intelligence? Will it take our jobs, or help us do our jobs more easily? Should AI be regulated by the government? In this edition of Both Sides of the Issue, you can hear two perspectives on this topic.IF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TAKES...

Both Sides: How to Solve the Housing Crisis
Both Sides: How to Solve the Housing Crisis

Housing prices have risen rapidly, leading to a crisis in which people are struggling to find and afford homes. How do we solve the housing crisis? Should the government provide housing for people? Should we remove regulations so that private companies can build...

Both Sides: Electric Cars
Both Sides: Electric Cars


Both Sides: Monopolies
Both Sides: Monopolies