John began his career as a consumer reporter. He spent 29 years exposing corrupt businesses and won 19 Emmy awards doing so. But he changed his focus after discovering that government regulation hurts consumers more than business, and that competition protects consumers better than government ever could.
At that point, Stossel’s reporting shifted to exposing corruption and waste in government and highlighting the benefits of individual choice. After this shift, John wrote three national bestsellers—Give Me a Break; Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity: Why Everything You Know Is Wrong; and his most recent, No They Can’t: Why Government Fails—But Individuals Succeed.
John has been praised for his reporting on the issues of education, healthcare, consumer protection, government regulation, taxes, legal reform, and more. He has received numerous honors, including 19 Emmy Awards. John joined the ABC News staff in 1981 as a correspondent for 20/20 and a consumer reporter for Good Morning America. He became co-anchor of 20/20 in 2003. John moved to the Fox Business Network in 2009, hosting a weekly show, Stossel, through 2016.
John remains as a regular on Fox, making frequent guest appearances on Fox News and Fox Business shows. His latest projects can be found at Stossel TV.