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Essay Contest and Video Contest
Essay Contest and Video Contest Video Description   Meet our 2016 Essay Contest winners, and learn more about our annual contests, including a new Video Contest for the 2016-2017 school year.

Technological Innovation: Do Rules Stifle Growth?
Technological Innovation: Do Rules Stifle Growth? Video Description   What conditions encourage innovation? What discourages innovation? Do governments help, or do they increase the time and cost of developing new products? Should businesses really have to protect...

Delayed Gratification: Can It Lead to Future Success?
Delayed Gratification: Can It Lead to Future Success? Video Description   What does it mean to "delay gratification"? What does a child's ability or willingness to delay gratification indicate? Is this something that can be taught? Should it be? This segment looks at one...

Spontaneous Order: Do We Really Need a Plan?
Spontaneous Order: Do We Really Need a Plan? Video Description   What is spontaneous order? How is it that without government direction, food is available in stores, cars are manufactured, information is available on the Internet, and people can get medical care?...

Disaster Relief: Who Does it Better?
Disaster Relief: Who Does it Better? Video Description   Who should help victims of natural disasters? Should citizens voluntarily help? Should government? Who is better at it? This segment looks at the role government and charity-based organizations play...

The Fed: Can It Be Trusted to Manage Our Money?
The Fed: Can It Be Trusted to Manage Our Money? Video Description   What is the Fed? Okay, it's the Federal Reserve. But what is that? What does it do? What is its role? How does the Fed affect us and our money? This segment looks at the origins and impact of the...

Following Orders: Does That Remove Your Responsibility?
Following Orders: Does That Remove Your Responsibility? Video Description   Do you always do what you're told? Should you? Does doing what you're told absolve you of responsibility for the consequences of your actions? This segment looks at the Milgram experiment on...

Crowdfunding: Can Entrepreneurs Go Straight to Consumers?
Crowdfunding: Can Entrepreneurs Go Straight to Consumers? Video Description   What if you want to create a product or service but don't have the money? What can you do? You can borrow from a bank perhaps. Or you can crowdfund advies. What is crowdfunding? How does it work?...

Combating Bias: Do We Need Incentives to Overcome It?
Combating Bias: Do We Need Incentives to Overcome It? Video Description   Do you make rational decisions? Would you hire the best applicant for a job? Would you rate your teacher or professor fairly? This segment looks at recognizing bias in ourselves.

Electronic Surveillance: What’s Happening To Our Privacy?
Electronic Surveillance: What’s Happening To Our Privacy? Video Description   Are there any limits on the government's ability to protect its citizens? Should there be? What is the proper balance between our country's security and our own privacy? This segment looks at the...

Tough To Get a Lyft: Regulating Your Ride?
Tough To Get a Lyft: Regulating Your Ride? Video Description   Should people be allowed to compete against existing cab companies? Should passengers get to choose who drives them? What about the safety of passengers? Should the government protect people by...

Protecting Endangered Species: A Good Idea Gone Wild?
Protecting Endangered Species: A Good Idea Gone Wild? Video Description   What is the best way to protect endangered species? How can we ensure the survival of species and ensure that people's property rights are not taken away? Should the government attempt to regulate...

Moving Companies: Who Chooses Who Moves Our Stuff?
Moving Companies: Who Chooses Who Moves Our Stuff? Video Description   Should businesses need permission from other businesses to compete? Should the government help established businesses keep out competition? Is uncontrolled competition too chaotic and disruptive? Do...

Overregulation: When Are There Enough Rules?
Overregulation: When Are There Enough Rules? Video Description   Why are there so many rules for us to follow? Why do governments seem to churn out more rules every day? When are there enough rules? Do more laws mean less freedom? This segment looks at some...

War on Women: Fact or Fable?
War on Women: Fact or Fable? Video Description   Do women make less than men? Do employers discriminate against women by paying them less? This lesson focuses on the controversy surrounding the wage gap between men and women.

Recycle Smarter Than a Third Grader
Recycle Smarter Than a Third Grader Video Description   Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! All right? Maybe or maybe not, says scholar Daniel K. Benjamin. Making a new tissue out of a used one wastes resources, hardly a benefit the environment. Melting and casting...

Kronies: They’re Konnected
Kronies: They’re Konnected Video Description   The Kronies are in action... Mandating, Tarrify-ing, Inflating, and Boondoggling their way to profits powered by their special konnection to the G-Force. Watch Big-G and his team stomp out...

Food Nannies: Who Decides What You Eat?
Food Nannies: Who Decides What You Eat? Video Description   Why are there so many obese Americans? What should be done about it? Who's responsible? The government? Businesses? Us? This segment looks at proposals to curb obesity.

The Fracking Debate
The Fracking Debate

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhat is fracking? What does it do? How does it affect us? Should we celebrate it because it might reduce our oil consumption or condemn it because it might put our drinking...

Taxi Licensing: Are We Being Taken for a Ride?
Taxi Licensing: Are We Being Taken for a Ride? Video Description   Should people need government permission to work? Do unregulated businesses cause chaos? Should taxicabs be approved by government and their owners required to purchase medallions? This segment looks...

High Speed Rail: Boondocks & Boondoggles
High Speed Rail: Boondocks & Boondoggles Video Description   How should we improve mass transportation? Are newer and faster trains the answer? Why do so many people presume it's government's job to improve mass transportation? Is there a place for...

College Tuition and Campus Luxuries
College Tuition and Campus Luxuries Video Description   Why have colleges gotten so expensive? Has the money gone to improve education? Has the government forsaken our children? This segment looks at the rising cost of a college education.

Product Liability Lawsuits: Who Gets Burned?
Product Liability Lawsuits: Who Gets Burned? Video Description   Are we safer today because of lawsuits? Should companies that produce dangerous products be immune from lawsuits? What exactly is a dangerous product? Should manufacturers be sued when something goes...

The Psychology Behind Political Campaigns
The Psychology Behind Political Campaigns

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhy do we favor one candidate over another? Is it because we look at the issues and choose our candidate accordingly? Or is it because we look at the candidates? And how do...

Entrepreneurs: Doing Good by Doing Well
Entrepreneurs: Doing Good by Doing Well Video Description   What good do entrepreneurs do? Is it creating jobs? Is it the charity they do with the money they've made? Do successful entrepreneurs have an obligation to give back? This segment attempts to answer...

I, Pencil
I, Pencil Video Description   For more than half a century, Leonard Read's classic story has opened eyes and changed minds by the hundreds of thousands, revealing the wondrous achievements of individuals whose contributions are...

Mystery of Happiness: Is Happiness Relative?
Mystery of Happiness: Is Happiness Relative? Video Description   What makes people happy? Are we happiest when we're doing well, or when we're doing better than others? On what do we base our happiness? This segment looks at the relativity of happiness.

Censorship at College: Politeness Gone Wrong
Censorship at College: Politeness Gone Wrong Video Description   Is college really a bastion of free speech, a marketplace of ideas, where views can be discussed in an atmosphere of openness advies? Are some cultural, economic, and political views more acceptable...

Innovation: Private vs. Public
Innovation: Private vs. Public Video Description   Can politics and politicians solve all our problems? Is government more effective than private enterprise? Can't we count on the entrepreneurial spirit to innovate and to develop solutions to the...

Police Accountability: Privacy Laws Gone Wrong
Police Accountability: Privacy Laws Gone Wrong Video Description   What's the difference between secrecy and privacy? Should public servants have a right to privacy while at work? If people are allowed to video record public officials, will that affect the way those...

Job Creation Gone Wrong
Job Creation Gone Wrong Video Description   Who creates jobs? And who creates jobs the best? Can the government help, or do government attempts to create jobs lead to inefficiencies and waste? Do government regulations help or hinder job...

Lemonade Stand: Consumer Protection Gone Wrong
Lemonade Stand: Consumer Protection Gone Wrong Video Description   What's happened to freedom in America? Are there too many laws? Can the average American even know what's legal and what's illegal today? This segment looks at several examples of people unknowingly...

Income Disparity: Should Equality Be the Goal?
Income Disparity: Should Equality Be the Goal? Video Description   What is the problem with some people having more money than others? Would it be better if everyone had the same? What if we could make sure everyone earned the same amount of money as everyone else?...

Food Police: Regulation Gone Wrong
Food Police: Regulation Gone Wrong advies?v=FBE3pu81-bs Video Description   Should people be allowed to eat whatever they want? Even if it's bad for them? What are the limits on freedom? What are the limits on government power? This segment looks at some regulations...

Collaboration Leads to Innovation
Collaboration Leads to Innovation Video Description   Why has life changed so much over the past few centuries, after remaining relatively the same for hundreds of thousands of years? Why does it seem that changes occur faster now than in the past? How...

Cash for Clunkers
Cash for Clunkers Video Description   Do government programs always help? Do the outcomes match the promises? What about the unseen, unintended results? This segment looks at the Cash for Clunkers program, and its results.


VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhy is America so prosperous? Is it our natural resources? Or is it something more? Perhaps it’s because America is a good place for entrepreneurs. This segment looks at...

Free Speech
Free Speech Video Description   Should people be allowed to offend each other? Criticize each other's views, religion, even race? Should the government protect us from offensive speech, or protect offensive speakers? How important...

Title IX
Title IX Video Description   Are you opposed to sexism? Shouldn't men and women be treated equally? Isn't fairness a virtuous goal? Don't we all believe in fairness? Doesn't Title IX simply prohibit discrimination based on sex?...

Earned Success
Earned Success Video Description   What makes people happy? Is it money? What role does success play? This segment looks at entrepreneurship, happiness, and the American Dream.

Internship Regulation: Are Unpaid Interns Exploited?
Internship Regulation: Are Unpaid Interns Exploited? Video Description   Should interns get paid? Should minimum wage laws apply? Shouldn't the education and training an intern gets be considered? Are there any unintended consequences of mandating that interns be paid?...

Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage Video Description   Why would anyone oppose a minimum wage? Don't all workers deserve to be paid fairly? Don't we need someone to protect workers from being taken advantage of? Is there a downside to minimum wage laws?...

Live Free or Die
Live Free or Die Video Description   Is our government on an unsustainable spending spree? Does it regulate too much? And does anyone really even care? This segment looks at government debt, spending, and regulation, and advancing the...

Professional Panhandling: Charity Gone Wrong
Professional Panhandling: Charity Gone Wrong Video Description   How can we help those in need? And just who is in need? How do we know? Do people who panhandle really need money to survive? Do our attempts to help people really help them? This segment looks at...

Why Can’t Chuck Get His Business Off the Ground?
Why Can’t Chuck Get His Business Off the Ground? Video Description   This short video suggests that the solution to America's jobs problem is specific reforms that wouldn't cost taxpayers and would provide opportunity for millions of Americans who worry where their...