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Everything On Demand
Everything On Demand

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCompetition makes entertainment better and cheaper.AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional ResourcesAVAILABLE...

Junk Science Locks Up Innocent People
Junk Science Locks Up Innocent People

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWe learn from CSI, Law & Order, and NCIS that forensic science is infallible, leading to the conviction of people who might otherwise have gotten away with their crimes. But DNA...

YouTube: Now We’re the Gatekeepers
YouTube: Now We’re the Gatekeepers

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONHow are technological innovations changing the way we find talent? How does it affect the way people earn money? This segment looks at the way YouTube has changed the way performers are discovered and paid.Download Teacher's GuideTo download this...

Propaganda: Environmental Fear Mongering
Propaganda: Environmental Fear Mongering

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhy do some movies seem to go beyond entertainment and include scary messages for children? Can there be a rational environmental debate or does it need to be filled with propaganda and hype? This segment looks at the tactics some use to convince...

Are You a Biased TV Viewer?
Are You a Biased TV Viewer? Video Description   FOX News Contributor Bernie Goldberg on the bias among viewers and why they are looking for validation.