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Censorship at College: Politeness Gone Wrong
Censorship at College: Politeness Gone Wrong Video Description   Is college really a bastion of free speech, a marketplace of ideas, where views can be discussed in an atmosphere of openness advies? Are some cultural, economic, and political views more acceptable...

Police Accountability: Privacy Laws Gone Wrong
Police Accountability: Privacy Laws Gone Wrong Video Description   What's the difference between secrecy and privacy? Should public servants have a right to privacy while at work? If people are allowed to video record public officials, will that affect the way those...

The War on Interns
The War on Interns

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAuthor Steven Greenhouse and Hannah Jackman of the National Journalism Center debate the use of interns.

Free Speech
Free Speech Video Description   Should people be allowed to offend each other? Criticize each other's views, religion, even race? Should the government protect us from offensive speech, or protect offensive speakers? How important...


VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhy do people come to America? Isn’t America a cesspool of crass commercialism and greedy, materialistic people? What’s so great about America that while we criticize it and try to change it, millions of immigrants struggle to come here? This segment...

Artists Against Capitalism
Artists Against Capitalism

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONRadio host Lisa Kennedy and TV critic Glenn Garvin break down why musicians enjoy bashing the free market.

A Green Car’s Dirty Secret?
A Green Car’s Dirty Secret?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONBrian Wynne of the Electric Drive Transportation Association and ‘Skeptical Environmentalist’ author Bjorn Lomberg discuss subsidies for electric cars.[rev_slider...

Today’s Kids Held Hostage
Today’s Kids Held Hostage

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFree-Range Kids founder Lenore Skenazy on the lack of freedom given to today’s children.

Are You a Biased TV Viewer?
Are You a Biased TV Viewer? Video Description   FOX News Contributor Bernie Goldberg on the bias among viewers and why they are looking for validation.

Fired for an Opinion
Fired for an Opinion

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAuthor Naomi Schaefer Riley on her criticism of Black Studies programs and how it got her fired.

Dealing With Media Bias
Dealing With Media Bias

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFOX News Contributor Bernie Goldberg on the liberal bias in mainstream media.

9/11 Charitable Scams
9/11 Charitable Scams

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFNC’s Bill O’Reilly sounds off on the charitable organizations that scammed victims and donors after 9/11.

Being Politically Correct: Have We Gone Too Far?
Being Politically Correct: Have We Gone Too Far?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONSyndicated columnist Deroy Murdock argues people worry too much about being politically correct, which can in turn divide the country rather than unifying it.[rev_slider...

Defending the Undefendable
Defending the Undefendable

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONThe Cato Institute’s David Boaz and Reason Magazine’s Nick Gillespie discuss the benefits of child labor, insider trading and organ sales.[rev_slider...

Professional Panhandling: Charity Gone Wrong
Professional Panhandling: Charity Gone Wrong Video Description   How can we help those in need? And just who is in need? How do we know? Do people who panhandle really need money to survive? Do our attempts to help people really help them? This segment looks at...

Do We Need Traffic Lights?
Do We Need Traffic Lights?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONTraffic specialist Benjamin Hamilton-Baillie on how "spontaneous order" can be enough to regulate traffic.

Going Behind the Camera for Truth
Going Behind the Camera for Truth

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONJournalist and Filmmaker James O’Keefe on his hidden camera work and his hand in exposing NPR and ACORN controversies.

Scare Tactics of Media
Scare Tactics of Media

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCenter For Media and Public Affairs’ Bob Lichter and Reason Magazine’s Michael Moynihan on the media’s use of fear to boost ratings.[rev_slider...