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Are Mandatory Minimums Harmful?
Are Mandatory Minimums Harmful?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONJohn Stossel and his guests share their views on mandatory minimum sentencing.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDFAVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These...

High Speed Rails a Waste of Money
High Speed Rails a Waste of Money

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAuthor Randal O’Toole and Seastanding Institute Founder Patri Friedman discuss why the president is wasting his time with high-speed rail and give their ideas to save the...

How to Become an Informed Voter
How to Become an Informed Voter

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONHeadcount Executive Director Andy Bernstein and Reason Magazine Senior Editor Michael Moynihan on the lack of political knowledge of voters.[rev_slider...

Man Jailed for Paperwork
Man Jailed for Paperwork

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFormer orchid importer George Norris on being sent to prison for missing paperwork for his business.

Dollar Vans Hurt Mass Transit?
Dollar Vans Hurt Mass Transit?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONJohn Samuelson and Hector Ricketts debate on whether mass transit would lose government funds due to competition by dollar van companies.[rev_slider...

Threats to Free Speech: Censorship on Campus
Threats to Free Speech: Censorship on Campus

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhat is going on at colleges across America? These institutions of higher education were once bastions of free speech, where different views and ideas could be discussed openly....

Threats to Free Speech: Islamic Extremism
Threats to Free Speech: Islamic Extremism

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONShould people be stopped from offending each other? From criticizing each other’s views, religion, even race? Should the government protect us from offensive speech, or protect...

Open Borders or Secure ‘Em?
Open Borders or Secure ‘Em?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONManhattan Institute’s Heather MacDonald and Jason Riley, author of “Let Them In,” debate immigration policy.

Delayed Gratification: Can It Lead to Future Success?
Delayed Gratification: Can It Lead to Future Success? Video Description   What does it mean to "delay gratification"? What does a child's ability or willingness to delay gratification indicate? Is this something that can be taught? Should it be? This segment looks at one...

Spontaneous Order: Do We Really Need a Plan?
Spontaneous Order: Do We Really Need a Plan? Video Description   What is spontaneous order? How is it that without government direction, food is available in stores, cars are manufactured, information is available on the Internet, and people can get medical care?...

Combating Bias: Do We Need Incentives to Overcome It?
Combating Bias: Do We Need Incentives to Overcome It? Video Description   Do you make rational decisions? Would you hire the best applicant for a job? Would you rate your teacher or professor fairly? This segment looks at recognizing bias in ourselves.

California farm runs on the honor system?
California farm runs on the honor system?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONOwner of Swanton Berry Farm Jim Cochran on honesty and running a roadside stand that is based on an honor system with no cashiers involved.[rev_slider...

A win for people vs. the prairie dog
A win for people vs. the prairie dog

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONPacific Legal Foundation Attorney Jonathan Wood and his client, Bruce Hughes, on their victory in the Utah prairie dog case against the federal government.[rev_slider...

America: Ruled by regulations?
America: Ruled by regulations?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFormer Bush Regulatory Affairs Director Susan Dudley discusses the growing number of government regulations in America.

Foreign aid worse for global poverty?
Foreign aid worse for global poverty?

VIDEO DESCRIPTION‘Poverty, Inc.’ Director Michael Matheson Miller on his documentary film, poverty in Haiti and how foreign aid can do more harm than good in certain situations.[rev_slider...

Protecting Endangered Species: A Good Idea Gone Wild?
Protecting Endangered Species: A Good Idea Gone Wild? Video Description   What is the best way to protect endangered species? How can we ensure the survival of species and ensure that people's property rights are not taken away? Should the government attempt to regulate...

Cop cameras to the rescue?
Cop cameras to the rescue?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONEvesham, NJ Police Chief Chris Chew and Sergeant Erin Gorman on police cameras and the benefits they provide to both police and citizens.[rev_slider...

Moving Companies: Who Chooses Who Moves Our Stuff?
Moving Companies: Who Chooses Who Moves Our Stuff? Video Description   Should businesses need permission from other businesses to compete? Should the government help established businesses keep out competition? Is uncontrolled competition too chaotic and disruptive? Do...

War on Women: Fact or Fable?
War on Women: Fact or Fable? Video Description   Do women make less than men? Do employers discriminate against women by paying them less? This lesson focuses on the controversy surrounding the wage gap between men and women.

Food Fight
Food Fight

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONStossel and guests debate whether or not the hype about GMOs, fat and school lunches is really necessary.

Recycle Smarter Than a Third Grader
Recycle Smarter Than a Third Grader Video Description   Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! All right? Maybe or maybe not, says scholar Daniel K. Benjamin. Making a new tissue out of a used one wastes resources, hardly a benefit the environment. Melting and casting...

Kronies: They’re Konnected
Kronies: They’re Konnected Video Description   The Kronies are in action... Mandating, Tarrify-ing, Inflating, and Boondoggling their way to profits powered by their special konnection to the G-Force. Watch Big-G and his team stomp out...

Product Liability Lawsuits: Who Gets Burned?
Product Liability Lawsuits: Who Gets Burned? Video Description   Are we safer today because of lawsuits? Should companies that produce dangerous products be immune from lawsuits? What exactly is a dangerous product? Should manufacturers be sued when something goes...

Entrepreneurs: Doing Good by Doing Well
Entrepreneurs: Doing Good by Doing Well Video Description   What good do entrepreneurs do? Is it creating jobs? Is it the charity they do with the money they've made? Do successful entrepreneurs have an obligation to give back? This segment attempts to answer...

Is Big Brother Watching?
Is Big Brother Watching?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCongressman Justin Amash on whether the NSA is infringing on personal liberties.