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Che Guevara: Why So Popular?
Che Guevara: Why So Popular?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhat do you know about Che Guevara? Do you own a Che t-shirt? Do you cringe when you see someone wearing one? This segment looks at Che, his deeds, and his reputation.Download Teacher's GuideDownload Video (.mp4 FILE)To download this video or the...

Propaganda: Environmental Fear Mongering
Propaganda: Environmental Fear Mongering

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhy do some movies seem to go beyond entertainment and include scary messages for children? Can there be a rational environmental debate or does it need to be filled with propaganda and hype? This segment looks at the tactics some use to convince...

Finding Freedom: Escape from North Korea
Finding Freedom: Escape from North Korea

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhat is freedom? How important is freedom to you? People use the word freedom differently, but when we look at North Korea, there is little disagreement that the citizens are...

Threats to Free Speech: Islamic Extremism
Threats to Free Speech: Islamic Extremism

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONShould people be stopped from offending each other? From criticizing each other’s views, religion, even race? Should the government protect us from offensive speech, or protect...

Think Your Privacy Is Threatened?
Think Your Privacy Is Threatened?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONChina is starting a “social credit system.” The state will monitor social media and web use to make it “hard for the discredited to take a single step.” Will it come to America?...

Open Borders or Secure ‘Em?
Open Borders or Secure ‘Em?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONManhattan Institute’s Heather MacDonald and Jason Riley, author of “Let Them In,” debate immigration policy.

Spontaneous Order: Do We Really Need a Plan?
Spontaneous Order: Do We Really Need a Plan? Video Description   What is spontaneous order? How is it that without government direction, food is available in stores, cars are manufactured, information is available on the Internet, and people can get medical care?...

Disaster Relief: Who Does it Better?
Disaster Relief: Who Does it Better? Video Description   Who should help victims of natural disasters? Should citizens voluntarily help? Should government? Who is better at it? This segment looks at the role government and charity-based organizations play...

Government assaulting the raisin industry?
Government assaulting the raisin industry?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCato Institute Research Fellow Trevor Burrus on the Raisin Administrative Committee and the government’s control of the raisin industry.[rev_slider...

Government vs. Entrepreneurs
Government vs. Entrepreneurs

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONOyster Farmer Greg Garrett and Shelly Goodman on the government’s intrusion into their business ventures.

A win for people vs. the prairie dog
A win for people vs. the prairie dog

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONPacific Legal Foundation Attorney Jonathan Wood and his client, Bruce Hughes, on their victory in the Utah prairie dog case against the federal government.[rev_slider...

America: Ruled by regulations?
America: Ruled by regulations?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFormer Bush Regulatory Affairs Director Susan Dudley discusses the growing number of government regulations in America.

Electronic Surveillance: What’s Happening To Our Privacy?
Electronic Surveillance: What’s Happening To Our Privacy? Video Description   Are there any limits on the government's ability to protect its citizens? Should there be? What is the proper balance between our country's security and our own privacy? This segment looks at the...

Immigrants helping or hurting the U.S. economy?
Immigrants helping or hurting the U.S. economy?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCenter for Immigration Studies’ Steve Camarota and Cato immigration policy analyst Alex Nowrashteh debate whether immigrants are helping or hurting America’s economy.[rev_slider...

Overregulation: When Are There Enough Rules?
Overregulation: When Are There Enough Rules? Video Description   Why are there so many rules for us to follow? Why do governments seem to churn out more rules every day? When are there enough rules? Do more laws mean less freedom? This segment looks at some...

Busting the gender pay gap myths
Busting the gender pay gap myths

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFormer IWF Economic Project Director Amy Holmes separates the facts from the fiction on the gender wage gap.

Should We Strike Syria?
Should We Strike Syria?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONZuhdi Jasser and military analyst Col. David Hunt weigh in on whether the U.S. should strike Syria.

The Politics of War
The Politics of War

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWith more Democrats supporting war, is this ‘hawk hypocrisy’?

Taxi Licensing: Are We Being Taken for a Ride?
Taxi Licensing: Are We Being Taken for a Ride? Video Description   Should people need government permission to work? Do unregulated businesses cause chaos? Should taxicabs be approved by government and their owners required to purchase medallions? This segment looks...