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Is Price Gouging Bad?
Is Price Gouging Bad?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONIndependent Institute Research Fellow Art Carden on the economics behind price gouging.

Job Creation Gone Wrong
Job Creation Gone Wrong Video Description   Who creates jobs? And who creates jobs the best? Can the government help, or do government attempts to create jobs lead to inefficiencies and waste? Do government regulations help or hinder job...

Income Disparity: Should Equality Be the Goal?
Income Disparity: Should Equality Be the Goal? Video Description   What is the problem with some people having more money than others? Would it be better if everyone had the same? What if we could make sure everyone earned the same amount of money as everyone else?...

Cash for Clunkers
Cash for Clunkers Video Description   Do government programs always help? Do the outcomes match the promises? What about the unseen, unintended results? This segment looks at the Cash for Clunkers program, and its results.

Stossel’s Currency Conundrum
Stossel’s Currency Conundrum

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFormer Federal Reserve Economist David Barker discusses whether Americans should be able to print their own currency.

Artists Against Capitalism
Artists Against Capitalism

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONRadio host Lisa Kennedy and TV critic Glenn Garvin break down why musicians enjoy bashing the free market.

Internship Regulation: Are Unpaid Interns Exploited?
Internship Regulation: Are Unpaid Interns Exploited? Video Description   Should interns get paid? Should minimum wage laws apply? Shouldn't the education and training an intern gets be considered? Are there any unintended consequences of mandating that interns be paid?...

Does America Need Energy Independence?
Does America Need Energy Independence?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCenter for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney and the Cato Institute’s Jerry Taylor on the link between oil prices, energy independence and national security.[rev_slider...

Energy Independence: Fact vs. Fiction
Energy Independence: Fact vs. Fiction

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONThe Manhattan Institute’s Robert Bryce and the Cato Institute’s Jerry Taylor argue the energy independence isn’t necessary because of the global nature of the oil...

Limiting Political Speech
Limiting Political Speech

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONUniversity of Missouri Economics Professor Jeff Milyo on the rights of foreign companies to advertise before elections.

True Job Creators
True Job Creators Video Description   Members of the “Job Creators Alliance” discuss how their companies have created jobs and helped boost small businesses in the U.S.

Forbes: Create 17% Flat Tax
Forbes: Create 17% Flat Tax

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONForbes Media Chairman Steve Forbes argues we should impose a 17% flat tax to create a prosperous economy.

Norquist: Don’t Raise Taxes
Norquist: Don’t Raise Taxes

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONGrover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform on the latest efforts to reach a deal on the debt ceiling and why we can’t increase taxes.[rev_slider...

Spontaneous Order Trumps Relying on Elites
Spontaneous Order Trumps Relying on Elites

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONLarry Reed of the Foundation for Economic Education, on the concept of spontaneous order and why it is a better strategy than relying solely on government leaders.[rev_slider...

Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage Video Description   Why would anyone oppose a minimum wage? Don't all workers deserve to be paid fairly? Don't we need someone to protect workers from being taken advantage of? Is there a downside to minimum wage laws?...

Keynes vs. Hayek
Keynes vs. Hayek

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONEconstories co-founders Russ Robert and John Papola discuss how the greatest economists of the past generation would deal with current economic problems.[rev_slider...

How Immigrants Create Jobs
How Immigrants Create Jobs

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONDevang Saraiya, financial software specialist from India, on skilled workers being kept out of the U.S.