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Does Free Trade Create Prosperity?
Does Free Trade Create Prosperity?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONTrump plans to impose 20% tariff on soft lumber from Canada. Bad idea! Here's why.AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional...

One Thing We Should Copy From Canada
One Thing We Should Copy From Canada

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONJohn Stossel and David Henderson discuss how Canada fixed its debt problem.AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional Resources[RM_Form...

Socialism in Venezuela
Socialism in Venezuela

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONSocialism is often seen as just another economic system, perhaps a more fair system, where people are more equal. But is it really just another economic system? Is it really...

A debate about Trump’s economic promises
A debate about Trump’s economic promises

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONDemocratic political strategist Jessica Tarlov, Turning Point USA Founder and Executive Director Charlie Kirk and CATO Institute Executive Vice President David Boaz discuss how...

Why is America Rich?
Why is America Rich?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCato Institute policy analyst Sallie James and Columbia University professor Marc Lamont Hill on why America is so prosperous.

Capitalism: Why So Unpopular?
Capitalism: Why So Unpopular?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONNews reports, articles, and websites tell us of the waning belief in capitalism. What do you think about capitalism? Is capitalism evil? Or has it lifted billions of people out...

Economic lessons of 2015
Economic lessons of 2015

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONKatherine Mangu Ward of Reason Magazine, Dan Mitchell of the Cato Institute, and Fox contributor Deneen Borelli discuss the biggest economic lessons learned in 2015.[rev_slider...

Open Borders or Secure ‘Em?
Open Borders or Secure ‘Em?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONManhattan Institute’s Heather MacDonald and Jason Riley, author of “Let Them In,” debate immigration policy.

Spontaneous Order: Do We Really Need a Plan?
Spontaneous Order: Do We Really Need a Plan? Video Description   What is spontaneous order? How is it that without government direction, food is available in stores, cars are manufactured, information is available on the Internet, and people can get medical care?...

Disaster Relief: Who Does it Better?
Disaster Relief: Who Does it Better? Video Description   Who should help victims of natural disasters? Should citizens voluntarily help? Should government? Who is better at it? This segment looks at the role government and charity-based organizations play...

The Fed: Can It Be Trusted to Manage Our Money?
The Fed: Can It Be Trusted to Manage Our Money? Video Description   What is the Fed? Okay, it's the Federal Reserve. But what is that? What does it do? What is its role? How does the Fed affect us and our money? This segment looks at the origins and impact of the...

How millennials view capitalism
How millennials view capitalism

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONThe King’s College Economic Professor Brian Brenberg discusses students’ views on free market capitalism.

Foreign aid worse for global poverty?
Foreign aid worse for global poverty?

VIDEO DESCRIPTION‘Poverty, Inc.’ Director Michael Matheson Miller on his documentary film, poverty in Haiti and how foreign aid can do more harm than good in certain situations.[rev_slider...

Immigrants helping or hurting the U.S. economy?
Immigrants helping or hurting the U.S. economy?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCenter for Immigration Studies’ Steve Camarota and Cato immigration policy analyst Alex Nowrashteh debate whether immigrants are helping or hurting America’s economy.[rev_slider...

War on Women: Fact or Fable?
War on Women: Fact or Fable? Video Description   Do women make less than men? Do employers discriminate against women by paying them less? This lesson focuses on the controversy surrounding the wage gap between men and women.

Foreigners Are Our Friends
Foreigners Are Our Friends

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONIn this Economics Made Easy video from our friends at Learn Liberty, Professor Bryan Caplan talks about "anti-foreign bias," and points out that most economists don't share these concerns. Professional economists think trade and immigration benefit...

Busting the gender pay gap myths
Busting the gender pay gap myths

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFormer IWF Economic Project Director Amy Holmes separates the facts from the fiction on the gender wage gap.

High Speed Rail: Boondocks & Boondoggles
High Speed Rail: Boondocks & Boondoggles Video Description   How should we improve mass transportation? Are newer and faster trains the answer? Why do so many people presume it's government's job to improve mass transportation? Is there a place for...

College Tuition and Campus Luxuries
College Tuition and Campus Luxuries Video Description   Why have colleges gotten so expensive? Has the money gone to improve education? Has the government forsaken our children? This segment looks at the rising cost of a college education.

The origins of the Fed
The origins of the Fed

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAuthor Brad Thor on his book ‘Hidden Order’ about the Federal Reserve.

IRS Selective Targeting
IRS Selective Targeting

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONTexas Public Policy Foundation CEO Brooke Rollins on the IRS’ scrutiny of Tea Party groups.

Free Market Medicine
Free Market Medicine

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONStossel special correspondent Kennedy on the benefits of medicine without the insurance companies.

I, Pencil
I, Pencil Video Description   For more than half a century, Leonard Read's classic story has opened eyes and changed minds by the hundreds of thousands, revealing the wondrous achievements of individuals whose contributions are...