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Entrepreneurs: Doing Good by Doing Well
Entrepreneurs: Doing Good by Doing Well Video Description   What good do entrepreneurs do? Is it creating jobs? Is it the charity they do with the money they've made? Do successful entrepreneurs have an obligation to give back? This segment attempts to answer...

Is Price Gouging Bad?
Is Price Gouging Bad?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONIndependent Institute Research Fellow Art Carden on the economics behind price gouging.

Collaboration Leads to Innovation
Collaboration Leads to Innovation Video Description   Why has life changed so much over the past few centuries, after remaining relatively the same for hundreds of thousands of years? Why does it seem that changes occur faster now than in the past? How...

The War on Interns
The War on Interns

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAuthor Steven Greenhouse and Hannah Jackman of the National Journalism Center debate the use of interns.


VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhy is America so prosperous? Is it our natural resources? Or is it something more? Perhaps it’s because America is a good place for entrepreneurs. This segment looks at...

Artists Against Capitalism
Artists Against Capitalism

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONRadio host Lisa Kennedy and TV critic Glenn Garvin break down why musicians enjoy bashing the free market.

Internship Regulation: Are Unpaid Interns Exploited?
Internship Regulation: Are Unpaid Interns Exploited? Video Description   Should interns get paid? Should minimum wage laws apply? Shouldn't the education and training an intern gets be considered? Are there any unintended consequences of mandating that interns be paid?...

Online Vet Silenced
Online Vet Silenced

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONVeterinarian Ron Hines discusses why he is no longer allowed to dispense medical advice over the internet.

Should Employers Have Same Rights as Unions?
Should Employers Have Same Rights as Unions?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONStossel correspondent Kennedy and John Tillman of the Illinois Policy Institute discuss recent union actions and whether they have too much power.[rev_slider...

True Job Creators
True Job Creators Video Description   Members of the “Job Creators Alliance” discuss how their companies have created jobs and helped boost small businesses in the U.S.

Taking Parks Corporate
Taking Parks Corporate Video Description   Redevelopment consultant Dan Biederman and Shirley Kressel of the Alliance of Boston Neighborhoods debate whether private funding is the way to save America's parks.

Forbes: Create 17% Flat Tax
Forbes: Create 17% Flat Tax

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONForbes Media Chairman Steve Forbes argues we should impose a 17% flat tax to create a prosperous economy.

Government Health Care Gone Wrong
Government Health Care Gone Wrong

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFBN’s market experts discuss the state of health care in America and how new regulations are impacting the economy.

The Business of Depression
The Business of Depression

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAuthor Gary Greenberg on the $11 billion made by pharmaceuticals from antidepressants every year.

9/11 Charitable Scams
9/11 Charitable Scams

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFNC’s Bill O’Reilly sounds off on the charitable organizations that scammed victims and donors after 9/11.

Is the Health Care Law a Job Killer?
Is the Health Care Law a Job Killer?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONScott Womack, the owner of 12 IHOP restaurants, on why the health-care law will take away his profits and prevent growth and hiring.

Bison Saved by Private Ownership
Bison Saved by Private Ownership

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONProperty and Environment Research Center’s Brian Yablonski on how private ownership helped prevent the extinction of bison.

Spontaneous Order Trumps Relying on Elites
Spontaneous Order Trumps Relying on Elites

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONLarry Reed of the Foundation for Economic Education, on the concept of spontaneous order and why it is a better strategy than relying solely on government leaders.[rev_slider...

Should We Pay College Athletes?
Should We Pay College Athletes?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCollege football analyst Lou Holtz and Dr. Boyce Watkins debate whether the NCAA should provide financial compensation for student athletes.[rev_slider...

Minimum Wage
Minimum Wage Video Description   Why would anyone oppose a minimum wage? Don't all workers deserve to be paid fairly? Don't we need someone to protect workers from being taken advantage of? Is there a downside to minimum wage laws?...

Does History Need to Be Re-written?
Does History Need to Be Re-written?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONThomas E. Woods Jr., author of "33 Questions About American History You’re Not Supposed to Ask," and Reason Magazine Writer Damon Root on the myths in American...

Why Can’t Chuck Get His Business Off the Ground?
Why Can’t Chuck Get His Business Off the Ground? Video Description   This short video suggests that the solution to America's jobs problem is specific reforms that wouldn't cost taxpayers and would provide opportunity for millions of Americans who worry where their...

Blocked by Bureaucracy
Blocked by Bureaucracy

VIDEO DESCRIPTION‘Naturally Speaking’ hair salon owner Melony Armstrong on the legal obstacles to expanding her business.

ADA Law Leading to Lawsuit Abuse
ADA Law Leading to Lawsuit Abuse

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAttorney Tom Frankovich and Walter Olsen, founder of, discuss the impact and importance of ADA lawsuits.

How Immigrants Create Jobs
How Immigrants Create Jobs

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONDevang Saraiya, financial software specialist from India, on skilled workers being kept out of the U.S.