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Price Gouging
Price Gouging

VIDEO DESCRIPTION John Stossel discusses price gouging.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional Resources[RM_Form...

Entrepreneur Saves Free College Courses
Entrepreneur Saves Free College Courses

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAn internet entrepreneur saved 20,000 free online college lectures (and more) after the government declared them illegal.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDFAVAILABLE...

Private Parks
Private Parks

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhen we think of parks, we probably think of public parks, government owned, managed, and maintained. But are all public parks managed and maintained by the government? It seems...

Permissionless Society
Permissionless Society

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONWhat would life be like for us today if people didn’t innovate? How different would life be if innovators needed government’s permission to innovate? Would that permission be based on politics? Would it be based on what politicians think is best for...

Eye Test Innovators
Eye Test Innovators

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONJohn Stossel got an eyeglass prescription over the internet. Should that be illegal?AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access...

$2 Million Bathroom
$2 Million Bathroom

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONJohn Stossel investigates a New York City park bathroom that cost $2 million to build.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDFAVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access...

Stop! You Need a License To Do that Job!
Stop! You Need a License To Do that Job!

VIDEO DESCRIPTION“Bottleneckers” use occupational licensing to screw competitors and innovation in the name of keeping us safe.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login...

Departments Grow and Cherries Rot
Departments Grow and Cherries Rot

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONEven when President Trump tries to cut government, it grows!AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDFAVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional...

Save the Rhinos!
Save the Rhinos!

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAn entrepreneur has a plan to save the rhinos from poachers, but environmental groups hate his idea.AVAILABLE RESOURCES Printable PDF AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or...

Does Free Trade Create Prosperity?
Does Free Trade Create Prosperity?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONTrump plans to impose 20% tariff on soft lumber from Canada. Bad idea! Here's why.AVAILABLE RESOURCESClick to Login or Register to Access These Additional...

Man Jailed for Paperwork
Man Jailed for Paperwork

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONFormer orchid importer George Norris on being sent to prison for missing paperwork for his business.

ADA Protecting the Disabled
ADA Protecting the Disabled

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONAuthor Greg Perry and Curt Decker of the National Disability Rights Network debate whether the ADA is a necessary organization.

Monks Can’t Sell Caskets
Monks Can’t Sell Caskets

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONLouisiana Funeral Directors Assn.’s David Tatman and economist Donald Boudreaux on laws restricting the Monks of St. Joseph Abbey’s business.[rev_slider...

Dollar Vans Hurt Mass Transit?
Dollar Vans Hurt Mass Transit?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONJohn Samuelson and Hector Ricketts debate on whether mass transit would lose government funds due to competition by dollar van companies.[rev_slider...

One Nation Under Arrest
One Nation Under Arrest

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONHeritage Foundation’s Brian Walsh argues vagueness in our laws makes people criminals without even knowing it.

Does ADA Promote Discrimination?
Does ADA Promote Discrimination?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONKatherine-Mangu Ward of Reason Magazine and Steve Lonegan, former mayor of Bogota, N.J., discuss the overextension of the ADA.

Technological Innovation: Do Rules Stifle Growth?
Technological Innovation: Do Rules Stifle Growth? Video Description   What conditions encourage innovation? What discourages innovation? Do governments help, or do they increase the time and cost of developing new products? Should businesses really have to protect...

Disaster Relief: Who Does it Better?
Disaster Relief: Who Does it Better? Video Description   Who should help victims of natural disasters? Should citizens voluntarily help? Should government? Who is better at it? This segment looks at the role government and charity-based organizations play...

Combating Bias: Do We Need Incentives to Overcome It?
Combating Bias: Do We Need Incentives to Overcome It? Video Description   Do you make rational decisions? Would you hire the best applicant for a job? Would you rate your teacher or professor fairly? This segment looks at recognizing bias in ourselves.

Crowdfunding: Can Entrepreneurs Go Straight to Consumers?
Crowdfunding: Can Entrepreneurs Go Straight to Consumers? Video Description   What if you want to create a product or service but don't have the money? What can you do? You can borrow from a bank perhaps. Or you can crowdfund advies. What is crowdfunding? How does it work?...

Government assaulting the raisin industry?
Government assaulting the raisin industry?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONCato Institute Research Fellow Trevor Burrus on the Raisin Administrative Committee and the government’s control of the raisin industry.[rev_slider...

Government vs. Entrepreneurs
Government vs. Entrepreneurs

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONOyster Farmer Greg Garrett and Shelly Goodman on the government’s intrusion into their business ventures.

California farm runs on the honor system?
California farm runs on the honor system?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONOwner of Swanton Berry Farm Jim Cochran on honesty and running a roadside stand that is based on an honor system with no cashiers involved.[rev_slider...

Tough To Get a Lyft: Regulating Your Ride?
Tough To Get a Lyft: Regulating Your Ride? Video Description   Should people be allowed to compete against existing cab companies? Should passengers get to choose who drives them? What about the safety of passengers? Should the government protect people by...

Moving Companies: Who Chooses Who Moves Our Stuff?
Moving Companies: Who Chooses Who Moves Our Stuff? Video Description   Should businesses need permission from other businesses to compete? Should the government help established businesses keep out competition? Is uncontrolled competition too chaotic and disruptive? Do...

Overregulation: When Are There Enough Rules?
Overregulation: When Are There Enough Rules? Video Description   Why are there so many rules for us to follow? Why do governments seem to churn out more rules every day? When are there enough rules? Do more laws mean less freedom? This segment looks at some...

Does reputation trump regulation?
Does reputation trump regulation?

VIDEO DESCRIPTIONJohn Stossel debates Alan Colmes on the FDA’s ban of DNA testing kits. More on how reputation is better than regulation this Thursday at 9pm ET on Fox Business.[rev_slider...

Kronies: They’re Konnected
Kronies: They’re Konnected Video Description   The Kronies are in action... Mandating, Tarrify-ing, Inflating, and Boondoggling their way to profits powered by their special konnection to the G-Force. Watch Big-G and his team stomp out...

Taxi Licensing: Are We Being Taken for a Ride?
Taxi Licensing: Are We Being Taken for a Ride? Video Description   Should people need government permission to work? Do unregulated businesses cause chaos? Should taxicabs be approved by government and their owners required to purchase medallions? This segment looks...