Manage Your Classroom in 3 Easy Steps

STEP 1: Register Your Classroom

Whether you have 5 students or 100, registering them is very simple. Just choose the amount of “spaces” you need when completing the registration process below. This may which may feel like a “check out” system, but the tools are free, and this helps us keep track of every group. 

STEP 2: Invite Your Students

Once you register your classroom, a new group management page is available to help you manage your students progress. You can invite students individually or by uploading a CSV file to upload many at once. Your students will receive an email if they are not already registered with Stossel in the Classroom to create an account.


STEP 3: Give Assignements

Now that you have enrolled your students into your classroom, you can see all of their progress for each of our classroom assignments. This includes progress tracking and viewing quiz results. We hope this makes grading and evaluation easier for all of our awesome educators.

Create Your Account Today!